Home > Desserts, Food Pictures & More, Party & Event Food, The Good > Wow, The Staples Center Dessert Cart is Impressive.

Wow, The Staples Center Dessert Cart is Impressive.

I recently went to a concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.  We were lucky to have a Suite, A-16 to be exact.  And this Dessert Cart appeared at our door.  It had quite the impressive selection.  My friends loved the Red Velvet Cake and the Brownie Bar.  I was eating a CPK Pizza at the time, so skipped it later wishing I got something.

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Here’s a concert peek, our Suite, and more of the Dessert Cart.  TIP:  If purchasing a Suite, bring a small flashlight so you can see.  The lights stay off during a concert and it’s pretty dark.

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  1. pussywillow
    July 17th, 2008 at 01:05 | #1

    Oh, don’t blame anyone but yourself if you didn’t get any of the oh-so-yummy red-velvet cake!!! You know who you went with. If you wanted it, you should have had it before the pizza. I can’t help it if I and those broads you went with are sugaraholics. Love the pics you sent!! I have some really funny ones too that I will be sending you! Love all of the pics of the fair and all the foods. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it this year. CHOW BELLA.

  1. October 9th, 2011 at 23:49 | #1

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