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The Easiest Belgian Waffles In The World (Or) Luxurious French Toast?

Hurry, hurry, step right up to see the ‘Easiest Belgian Waffles in the World’ (or wannabes).  The pictured Lemon Luxury Waffles were created for another contest, blah, blah, blah — I’m now up against the last hour deadline, thus there’s no time to explain.  See an earlier entry here for more information.  All week I’d been working on recipe creations using Nature’s Pride 100% Whole Wheat Bread and this was a favorite!

They’re named Lemon Luxury Waffles because it’s a luxury that they’re so easy to make and they taste luxurious with Lemon Zest throughout the recipe.  The above is a mixture of 1 Egg, 1 tsp. of Vanilla and Sugar (each) and 1/4 tsp. of Lemon Zest.  It makes 2 – 3 Waffles using Nature’s Pride Bread (cut into the largest circles possible) and a Belgian Waffle Maker

The warm Waffles are topped with fresh Whipped Cream (1 Cup) that’s beat with Powdered Sugar (2 -3 tbsp.) and 1/8 tsp. of Lemon Zest (or just a pinch).

If you don’t have a Belgian Waffle Maker, any will do.

Luxury Lemon Waffles are made similar to French Toast, without turning.  Cut the Bread into the largest rounds possible, then dip each into the above mixture before placing rounds on the Waffle Maker.  Cook until done throughout and golden brown.  Plate and top with the Lemon Zest Cream.  Garnish with a slice of Lemon Rind, Mint Leaf, or pretty Lemon Candy of some sort — I didn’t have the time or resources to jazz this one up, thus opted for available Lemon Rind.

I wasn’t sure if this recipe would work, but it did and beautifully — And the Lemon Zest makes it extra special tasting, kinda like old fashioned homemade Ice Cream.  These Lemon Luxury Waffles were terrific.  I hope I covered it all.  If any questions, just ask.

  1. October 5th, 2010 at 17:33 | #1

    That’s brilliant! Now I can pull out that waffle maker of mine and give it some use! Thank you.

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