
Posts Tagged ‘photo of Burger King’s new slider mini burger shot’

Burger King’s New Perforated BK Burger Shot(s).

February 25th, 2009 No comments

misc-0021BK Burger Shots from Burger King aren’t those cute little Sliders we’re all liking these days, but instead it’s just one giant perforated Burger, HA.  We tried a 6 Pack of Burger Shots and had to pull them apart to get one.  You can tell these were made quickly.  They taste just like a Whopper, but without the Lettuce and Tomato I’d prefer to have.  This was $4.09 — I’d rather have a Whopper for a buck.  Since Burger King’s website is a bit confusing and time consuming, only one related page is linked below.

Burger King:,91,-1