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Several Say: This Is The Best Onion Dip In The World.

My friend was right, Ina Garten’s Pan-Fried Onion Dip is the BEST!  I can’t stop making it and eating it, which probably isn’t the best for you on a daily basis, but it’s crazy good and super easy to make.  My friend told me that someone recently brought this Dip to a party she attended and the guests didn’t stop raving about it. 

Learning this information after hosting a party was good timing, as I had leftover Chips and Crackers begging for Dip.  And now I can’t stop eating ’em all.  I’m almost done, but will be making it again for a party next week — I’m curious if all will have the reactions my friend described.  I did.  How about you?

Ina’s Pan Fried Onion Dip RECIPE.

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