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Pink Party Theme Appetizers. It’s Close Enough.


A friend just had a party catered by a couple guys attending the Culinary Program at The Art Institute of California, Orange County.  While sitting at a bar one night with my friend talking about a networking party she was going to be hosting, our conversation was overheard.  We were discussing food for the party and what to do.  And Randall, a fellow sitting next to us happened to be attending the culinary school — He sounded knowledgeable about food and came up with some sophisticated suggestions.  We were initially impressed.  It was a bit tricky, since the party theme was PINK and my friend wanted all the food to be pink-ish in color. 

To make a long story short, she ended up hiring him and another student from the Institute to make the food.  We ultimately decided on the following MENU:

* Asian Marinated Lamb Chops
* Sweet Bacon Wrapped Chicken with Brown Sugar & Chili Powder
* Polenta Cakes with Sun Dried Tomato Mousse 
* Tomato Cups with Mozzarella, Basil and Balsamic Gastrique  
* White Chocolate Covered Strawberries with Pink Stripes

Well, the party was today.  Randall and Ernest did a good job.  They were professional and willing to do anything necessary to prepare the food to our linking.  We appreciate that. 

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Another Chef, Johnny, associated with the Event Planners featured at the party, did a terrific job BBQing the marinated Lamb Chops provided by the caterers.  He even served them. 

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The drinks were also pink… Champagne, Guava Martinis and Pink Lemonade. 


Overall the party and the food was a success.  Thanks to all mentioned.

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  1. June 9th, 2009 at 10:25 | #1

    We lost track of the fabulous Culinary Students, but if they come back here to read this again, perhaps they’ll provide their contact information.

  2. June 8th, 2009 at 23:58 | #2

    Awesome! The food is perfect! Compliments to the guys from culinary school. They did a great job! The food is surely delicious. How can they be contacted if I want to request their services?

  3. Natalie
    May 30th, 2008 at 22:57 | #3

    Randall and Ernest definitely know how to network!! Kudos to them both and their future careers!!!

  4. Natalie
    May 30th, 2008 at 22:55 | #4

    The young men from the culinary art school did a Fantastic job with all the food, it looks Spectacular!!!! Fit for Queens!!!

  5. Pam
    May 20th, 2008 at 13:28 | #5

    Everything looks fantastic! I usually prepare bacon wrapped albacore, but now I think I’ll have to try it with chicken.

  6. Bonnie
    May 18th, 2008 at 14:27 | #6

    You got it.

  7. Bonnie
    May 18th, 2008 at 10:45 | #7

    WOW! Very cool.

  1. May 18th, 2012 at 23:01 | #1

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