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One Stop Source For Cooking & Recipe Contest Links.

Do you like entering cooking or recipe contests?  Some rewards can be quite fabulous.  I certainly like entering them when I have time.  Contests, sweepstakes, games and alike have been hobbies of mine for years, especially if they relate to food.  To assist you (and myself in the future), I’ve scoured the Internet to collect the best up-to-date contest resources.  I’ve linked a few below and will continue to add additional findings to this post.  Good luck to ALL!

Contest Cook

Food Reference Contests

Food and Drink Contests in Yahoo

Food Network Contests and Offers

  1. November 9th, 2009 at 03:59 | #1

    another great recipe contesting site is http://www.reicpecarousel.com as well they offer a blog too http://www.recipecarousel.com/blog

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