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National Daily, Weekly & Monthly Food Holidays: Too Many To Keep Up With.

We really don’t take the National Daily, Weekly or Monthly Food Holidays too seriously.  They can be fun if it’s something you’re interested in, but they are otherwise self-servingly developed and potentially create gridlock by too many doing the same thing for the sake of celebrating a designated day.  Instead, do and eat whatever and whenever you want in 2011.

In contrast to those thoughts and recognizing that others are interested in national and arbitrary food related holidays, as Orange County Food Examiner I wrote a short article about their observance in January — January 1st started them off with Bloody Mary Day.

And January 20th is National Cheese Lover’s Day, “they” say.  Read about the best places to find a Bloody Mary, where to buy quality Cheese, and who has the finest New England Clam Chowder in the OC, since a food holiday in January happens to revolve around it — It seems that every food has a holiday these days.

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