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Modeling Prizes, Gifts And Par-tay Goods At Cost Plus World Market.

Preparing for a Christmas Par-tay by shopping at my favorite store, Cost Plus World Market.

How old are you?  Did you ever have a metal Lunch Pail?  We love the variety and nostalgia at Cost Plus/CPWM.  Would you believe this girl (me) doesn’t like to shop, but it’s always fun and interesting shopping there.  This visit Chef Nieces, Bailee and Lexi of Kids in the Kitchen model a few goods.  Bailee liked the mini Tabasco Bottles — I do too and told her that I used to carry one with me all the time, until one leaked in my purse.  That was a bummer.

Some things just need Hot Sauce, but that’s another story.

We’re supposed to be shopping for a Par-tay, better than a Par-tee.

Too many cool, stylish things — Is it the models? 🙂

Today we set out for a Gift for the Christmas Par-tay exchange, plus 10 Prizes, 4 kinds of Beer, 4 Bottles of Champagne, 4 Bottles of Wine, Munchies, Candy and Wrapping Paper.

And former Miss Downey Contestant, mi Madre still has it — Sorry Mom for writing that, hahaha.

Stay tuned for more about my 17th Annual Christmas Par-tay.  It’s always the first Friday in December.  We filled two carts with unique prizes, beverages and snacks — Ready to dig in.

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