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I Love A Mango! Why Do I Keep Saying That?

misc-0051I love a Mango, but they are so darn hard to cut.  It’s the seed.  I can never tell where it is, and sometimes it’s thin and sometimes it’s wide.  Does anyone know the secret?  I haven’t researched it yet.  This post simply mentions its benefits — It’s high in Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene, but I’ll leave that to the health experts.  We’re just posting a couple helpful links to assist with healthy living through FOOD and more.  I appreciated the information.  And now it’s time for a Mango Smoothie, as recommended and linked below.

101 Healthy Smoothies For Your Health
101 Ways to Detox Your Mind, Body & Home
Best Foods for Weight Loss & To Feel Great

Post Title Inspiration — Sorry, there’s a 30 second commercial preceding it.

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