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Historical And Real Life Food At The J. Paul Getty Museum.

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At The Getty Center in Los Angeles surrounded by works of art indoors and out.

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A tasteful way to spend a day B at the Get-TAY — It ain’t no ghetto. We sang… At the Get-TAY.

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A Banquet Piece by Pieter Claesz (1630), a favorite of our food related selections is pictured above — Others are woven between photos of pristine grounds and architecture, spectacular views, and surprisingly great Pizza.  Admission is FREE to see all.  Parking is $15.00.

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Flowering Maze over a reflecting pool — Go through it on a boat. JK, it’s just for viewing.

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Still Life Tea Set by Jean-Etienne Liotard (Circa 1781).

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City and ocean views are framed within 30-inch square grids of travertine — Beauty abounds.

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Still Life with Grapes and Other Fruit by Luca Forte (1630).

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There are endless angles to appreciate at The Getty Center.

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The Restaurant (below) offers Brunch and sophisticated Lunch and Dinner MENUS.

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And the Cafe at The Getty Center is located below it.

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The Cafe is somewhat cafeteria-style offering convenient, prepared and cook to order food.

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We opted for the Pepperoni Pizza, Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio.

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It (above) unexpectedly turned out to be one of the best Pizzas I’ve ever had.

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Cheers to the Pizza — I’m ready to go back for IT, more exhibits and new views.

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Still Life with Lemons, Oranges and a Pomegranate by Jacob Van Hulsdonck (Circa 1620).

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Just a few of the 360-degree available views.

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Still Life with Fish, Vegetables, Gougeres, Pots and Cruets on a Table by Jean-Baptiste Simeon Chardin (1769) is shown above, and more architectural wonder is modeled below — A photography student’s or wide-eyed explorer’s jackpot is at The Getty Center daily.

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Did you know that Vincent Van Gogh’s Irises (1889) is there too?

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Sit amongst courtyard fountains and well manicured trees — Nothing is out of place.

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The Museum Store is entertaining in itself with its unique items for play and purchase.

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We were at the Get-TAY at the right time to see one of infinity beautiful sunsets.

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And A Maid Milking a Cow in a Barn by Gerard Ter Borch (Circa 1652).

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Is the cow on the left looking at us?  I loved its face in person and miss him already. 😉

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We saw (and ate) some thaaangs!  Don’t miss it.

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