
Archive for the ‘Recipes’ Category

Homemade Pickles With Leftover Pickle Juice.

September 15th, 2009 No comments


misc-021I’ve always wanted to make my own Dill Pickles, but dread the whole canning sterilization process — It’s a turn off, HA.  So I searched for a way around it and came across a good shortcut for a quick, easy homemade Dill Pickle.  Its author, Michele of Cooking with Michele used Cucumber spears, but I was in need of chips.  And with some leftover Bubbies Pickle Juice and a self sealing mason jar, the result is above.  After a week, they were nicely crunchy and absorbed some of the Bubbies flavor and Dill Pickle taste.  It’s a great use for leftover Pickle Juice — It’s like getting a second jar of Pickles for free, or for the price of a few Cucumbers.

The Olive And The Caper: Greek Fried Egg.

September 10th, 2009 1 comment


misc-022Did you know that many in Greece start the day with an Egg fried in Olive Oil?  It’s true according to The Olive and The Caper.  The recipe for one Greek Fried Egg in this books calls for 1/4 Cup of Olive Oil.  I’ve always used a pat of Butter, but gave the Olive Oil a try.  I was unsure about using the entire 1/4 Cup, but did it anyway.  And the cooking instructions require the Olive Oil to be HOT to brown the Egg to a crisp around the edges.  I was a little afraid of that too, but complied.  And just before turning out to a bowl, you’re to spoon the hot oil over the top of the Egg.  All is then transferred to a bowl to eat.  The Greeks enjoy the Egg while sopping up the Olive Oil with a crusty loaf of Bread.  The book says that you’ll love it — I liked it a lot.  The author reports that her hair and skin never looked as clear and shiny as it did when she was living in Greece and eating hundreds of Greek Fried Eggs — That can be a good incentive to eat ’em.

5 Minute Fried Won Tons, Made With Asian Slaw.

September 2nd, 2009 No comments
Indeed these Fried Won Tons took only 5 minutes to make and they were delicious.  I made them using an Asian Slaw and Chicken Breast I prepared a couple days prior.  I further chopped the Slaw and Chicken into smaller pieces, mixed the two together, then filled and folded the Won Ton Wrappers.  I heated Peanut Oil to about 365° and each Won Ton fried up in less than a minute.  They weren’t greasy at all and were so good with a little Soy Sauce and Sweet Chili Sauce.  The combination sure jazzed up the leftovers I was avoiding — Now I’m glad I still have some left. 🙂

Food Network’s Down Home With The Neelys, Pat’s Smoked Sausage & Pepper Sandwich.

August 18th, 2009 1 comment


Patrick and Gina of TV Food Network’s Show Down Home with the Neeleys are so cute — They have a lot of fun together centered around food.  Their happy interaction and enjoyment made me want to make Pat’s Sausage and Pepper Sandwich, and I’m generally not a fan of Sausage Sandwiches.  Another appeal is the Beer in the Sauce.  And since I didn’t have Neely’s BBQ Sauce (in the recipe), I used Lucille’s BBQ Sauce. 



I went to Henry’s Farmers Market for the Sausage — They didn’t have a Smoked Sausage, but the Butcher highly recommended the Pork Sausage  over the Turkey, when asked the difference between the two Sweet Hot Italians.  As a substitution, I opted for the Pork and was glad it was $1 less a pound.  And I ended up with Potato Rolls that were toasted inside. 


Confession:  It wasn’t until after the preparation of this recipe did I realize that I misunderstood and used the wrong type of Sausage.  The key word is “smoked” and I used fresh Sausage.  A Kielbasa in a vacuum pack may have been better, especially since casings gross me out.  Good thing I cooked the Sausage well done.  And I cooked all ingredients longer (except the Garlic) than noted on the above linked recipe.  Onions are always best caramelized and the Peppers were added after the Onions cooked a bit.

Overall, it’s a great recipe — The Sauce turns out pretty tasty.  I now wanna make it with a Kielbasa, and might not eat it on a Sandwich.  Luckily all who tried this preparation liked it.

Where to buy Neely’s BBQ Sauce:

Cupcakes For A Weekend On The Beach.

August 14th, 2009 1 comment


We’re going camping on the beach, so I made the perfect Cupcakes.  Aren’t they cute?!  They’re easy to make too.  I used a Spice Cake Mix, then topped each Cupcake with an Orange Powdered Sugar Glaze.  The sand is ground Teddy Grahams and the towel is a piece of a Fruit Roll-Up.  Just lay a Teddy Graham on the towel, prop open a cocktail umbrella to block the sun and voila.


Since there was extra batter, I made a small Cake in the toaster oven.  It turned out good, but needed to be cooked a little longer than noted.  And as you can see in the photo, it became a sun bathing cliff for the Teddy Grahams.  My Chef Nieces are going to love it.  FYI:  I did not come up with this idea.  Similar Cupcakes won an Honorable Mention at the OC Fair this year.  Unfortunately I didn’t catch a name, nor a photo of the original Cupcakes.  If its creator stumbles across this post, please make yourself known — This copycat is a memory of yours. 🙂

There’s A New Orange County Food Examiner.

August 5th, 2009 No comments

The new Orange County Food Examiner is me, Shelly Borrell.  For information about food in Orange County, visit the Examiner online.  You’ll find restaurant reviews, recipes, cooking tips, food product reviews, food event reports, and a whole lot more.  We’ve only just begun.

Single Day Pie Competition At The OC Fair.

July 25th, 2009 No comments


oc-fair-2009-iii-007The Single Day Pie Competition went down today at the Orange County Fair.  Approximately 20 Pies were entered and Ribbons were awarded for Best of Show, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place, plus 3 Honorable Mentions.  After the judging, FREE Pie was served to the public.  It’s best to be around at that time (2PM each Saturday and Sunday at the Promenade Stage).  During this Contest, I happily received an Honorable Mention for my Chocolate Mountain Orange Cream Pie.  It’s pretty good.  Here’s the RECIPE: Orange Cream Pie Recipe.  Enjoy!


More Orange County Fair Competition INFO:

Easy, Fast & Tasty Roasted Red Pepper Sauce.

June 28th, 2009 1 comment


One Red Bell Pepper makes a fair amount of Roasted Red Pepper Sauce.  This Sauce is a variation of several recipes I reviewed online.  And it turned out to be a simple and tasty combination.  I halved and charred a Red Bell Pepper in the toaster oven until completely black, then with the oven off I kept it in there for another 15 minutes to steam/loosen the skin.  And it peeled right off like nothing. 

To make the Sauce, add the Roasted Red Pepper to a mini food processor with the perfect balance of Olive Oil, White Balsamic Vinegar, Lemon Juice and S&P — It doesn’t take much of each.  Puree all, then taste and add more of the above (if necessary) to dial in the flavor.  This small batch was so good — I ate the extra Sauce as Gazpacho.  Before that, I had it on some Lingcod I poached.

Related Link: /FoodBlog/2009/06/02/lingcod-fish-its-green-its-blue-its-white/

Lavender Pound Cake With Lemon Glaze.

June 23rd, 2009 No comments


For my Birthday a dear friend made this Lavender Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze.  She knows I like trying unique food combinations and Lavender in Cake is good, especially this Cake.  The recipe is put out by C&H Sugar and linked below — It makes two loaves or one Bundt.  After a few slices, she wrapped it in wax paper and foil for me to take home.  It kept so well and was a treat for breakfast all week.  Now I have to make it and wrap it the same. 🙂

Recipe PDF: lavender-cake

Recipe Link:
(FYI: If you use this link, you must then search the Cakes to locate the Lavender Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze recipe)

Lingcod Fish — It’s Green, It’s Blue, It’s White.

June 2nd, 2009 1 comment


I always thought Lingcod Fish was a kind of Cod, but it’s not Cod at all.  The related links will tell the rest of the story.  I was also amazed to see that frozen the Fish is green (above), uncooked it’s blue (below), and cooked it’s white.  It was fun seeing the colors change.


Although Lingcod can be blue, green or white, it always cooks up white.  I received a few pieces from a couple local fishermen friends.  I poached ’em in a wine-herb combination that’s really not worth mentioning.  And ultimately Lingcod won’t be one of my favorites — It’s okay, but I’d rather they catch something else next time.


Related Links:

Free To Make Biscotti On A Memorial Day Monday.

May 25th, 2009 1 comment


The sacrifices of our American Soldiers past and present is tremendous, and it’s the reason I’m free here today to make homemade Biscotti.  Let’s honor, respect and support all who fought and fight for continued freedom and liberation.



This is the first time I’ve made Biscotti — Since it’s pretty dry, I’m generally not a fan.  I added Powdered Sugar and drizzled Chocolate for sweetness and excitement.  Overall it was fun learning how it’s made, but I like Cupcakes, Pies, Cookies and other goodies a lot more.

(The recipe calls for “2 Egg Equivalents” but I used 3 medium Eggs.  I also added chopped Almonds and Orange Extract).

What is Biscotti?:

What is Memorial Day?:

Potato Chip Baked Chicken Strips, 3 Flavors.

May 20th, 2009 2 comments


Have you tried Potato Chip Baked Chicken?  I’ve been wanting to make it for a long time now — So I reviewed a few recipes and finally made these Potato Chip Baked Chicken Strips.  The process couldn’t be easier.  I just dipped Chicken Strips in melted Butter, rolled all in crushed Potato Chips until well coated, then baked the strips in the oven at 350° for about 40 minutes.  The baking time will depend on the size of YOUR Chicken pieces.


Overall, I thought they were good, but not great as expected.  As shown in the above photos, I experimented using 3 different flavors of Potato Chips, Sour Cream & Onion, Classic and Barbecued — We liked the Chicken Strips with the flavored Potato Chips the best.

Official RECIPES and related TIPS:,1839,152162-251202,00.html

Brown Sugar Baked Bacon, Bakin’ Bacon Is Good.

May 18th, 2009 1 comment


Have you ever tried Brown Sugar Baked Bacon?  It’s so good!  And easier than frying too.  Just toss a few Bacon slices with Brown Sugar in a large baggie until well coated — Place the Bacon on a foil lined cookie sheet, then bake in the oven at 350° for about 20 minutes.  Be careful, there’s a fine line between cooking the Bacon perfectly and burning it.


When made right, it  tastes like Candy — When burned or cooked too long, you’ll save a lot of calories.  Another tip, cook the Bacon on a slant to allow the grease to run down.  I use 2 – 3 upside down metal ramekins to prop up one side while baking.  It works well.

Related Link:

Most Dangerous Chocolate Cake In The World.

April 30th, 2009 4 comments


A friend sent me this 5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe via e-mail.  It’s touted as “The Most Dangerous Cake Recipe in the World” because it’s only 5 Minutes away and the ingredients are usually on hand — I guess one shouldn’t eat too many of these.  With that typed, here’s the Dangerous RECIPE:

1 Mug

4 Tablespoons Flour

4 Tablespoons Sugar

2 Tablespoons Cocoa

1 Egg

3 Tablespoons Milk

3 Tablespoons Canola or Vegetable Oil

1 Teaspoon of Vanilla

Combine the Flour, Sugar and Cocoa in a Mug – Add the Egg and mix thoroughly.  Pour in the Milk, Oil and Vanilla and mix well.  Place Mug in the Microwave and cook on maximum power (1000 watts) for 3 Minutes. Let Cake cool for a few minutes, then eat straight out of the Mug or empty onto a plate or into a bowl with Ice Cream.


The Cake will rise over the top of the Mug while cooking, but don’t be alarmed — It’ll be OK and it looks kinda funny.  The Cake is a little dense and dry and tastes best with Ice Cream, Powdered Sugar, Whipped Cream and/or a big glass of MILK.  Overall, it’s a fun, fast and warm Dessert that fills the air of Chocolate Cake within minutes.

FUN Related Links:

Tortilla, Ham, Veggie & Cream Cheese Roll Ups.

April 27th, 2009 1 comment


These are one of my favorite Appetizers to have on hand.  And party guests love ’em too.  “Roll Ups” can be made with almost any Veggie or Deli Meat, using a Flour Tortilla and Cream Cheese.


This time I made the Roll Ups with variations of sliced Ham, Fresh Asparagus, Orange Bell Pepper and Green Onions.  The trick is to spread a generous amount of Cheese Cheese evenly over the Tortilla and add all other ingredients aligned on the left, as shown above — Roll Tortilla parallel to the Ham and Veggies (l-r), then chill and cut when ready to serve/eat.

Related Link:

Rao’s Meatball Sandwich Slider, YUM-Bondanza.

April 19th, 2009 1 comment


meatball-slider-0081One of the best things I’ve done is freeze some of the Rao’s Meatballs I made.  With the final small frozen batch I prepared these yummy Meatball Sliders.  I just re-heated the Meatballs in Marinara Sauce and voila — I added all to Toasted Buns with a slice of Mozzarella Cheese.  I so appreciated the convenience, taste and quality of this quick meal.  Rao’s Meatballs are the best.  Make a batch and be sure to freeze a few — If you love these Meatballs, you’ll be glad you did.  They are an abundance of yummy-ness.  Abbondanza.

Rao’s Meatball Recipe:

It’s A Glorious Day — Happy Easter! Let Us Eat.

April 12th, 2009 1 comment


easter-015Our Holiday meals most often include this amazing Barbecued Chicken made by my Dad.  I’m grateful for this day and so much more.  God Bless us ALL.  The Chicken and its accompanying Sauce  RECIPE was previously posted on Nibbles of Tidbits and is linked below.  It’s all about the Sauce — So simple, yet so good.  The recipe has been in the family for more than 60 years.  Enjoy!

Related Link:

Baked Eggs In Ham Cups, Aren’t They Cool?!

April 8th, 2009 4 comments


One of the magazines I currently subscribe to is Orange Coast and in this month’s issue is this amazing recipe.  It’s Baked Eggs in Ham Cups with Mushrooms and Shallots by Chef Jamie Gwen.  I fell in love with the photo, and the recipe is fairly easy so I had to make it. 


The taste and homemade presentation happily lived up to my initial reaction to the magazine photo (below left).  This recipe is so delicious and impressive looking.  A yummy sautéed Mushroom mixture is layered over the Ham and under the Egg, as you can see before it’s baked (below middle). 


The photo and recipe in Orange Coast Magazine (April 2009) are found within a Special Advertising Section by South Coast Plaza, 13-15. 


These Baked Eggs in Ham Cups are definitely worth making, especially for company.  They’ll definitely be a part of my Brunch repertoire in the future — They’re too FAB!

Chef Jamie Gwen INFO:

Orange Coast Magazine:

Note:  Leave comment HERE if larger recipe print is needed.

Why Not Make A Homemade Slider Smorgasbord?

April 6th, 2009 2 comments


Instead of just one Burger, why not make homemade Sliders for fun and variety — Pictured (L-R) we made a Blue Cheese Burger with Tomatoes, Lettuce and Pickles, a Bacon Cheddar Burger, and a Jalapeno Jack Burger with Tomatoes and Arugula.


We added a little Worcestershire Sauce, Salt and freshly ground Pepper to the small Burger Patties, buttered and toasted the mini Buns/Rolls and laid out all the fixins. 


We fried these Burgers in a pan (after we brought home the Bacon) and topped with Cheese after turning — Then transferred all to Buns with their corresponding counterparts. 


“Shelly’s Sliders” turned out pretty good.  It was fun eating a variety of Burgers and deciphering what tastes best.  We’ve got some great ideas for our next Slider Smorgasbord and would have made them here, but didn’t have Chipotles, Pineapples, or Chili on hand.


If local and don’t feel like making your own Sliders, check out the restaurants and photos linked below.

3-Thirty-3 Sliders:

Charlie Palmer’s Sliders:

More INFO:

Homemade Cream Of (Leftover Celery) Soup.

March 22nd, 2009 1 comment


Since I had a bunch of washed, fresh cut/peeled Celery leftover from a Vegetable Platter, I made this impromptu Cream of Celery Soup.  Homemade is way better than any canned version.  Sorry there’s no measurements here, but YOU CAN DO IT — Be generous with the Onion, Herb and Garlic for optimum taste.

Sauté chopped Onion and Celery with S & P in Olive Oil until almost caramelized, then add minced Garlic, fresh Thyme Leaves and cook a couple minutes longer.  Add enough Chicken Stock/Broth to cover all ingredients and simmer for about 15 minutes.  Remove from heat, cool and purée in a blender. 

Return the puréed mixture to a saucepan, reheat and add a little Cream, not much, none is really needed if that’s preferred.  And to nicely combine the flavors, add fresh Lemon Juice and S & P to taste at the end.  It’s a quick, easy, much better than canned copycat Cream of Celery Soup if in need, or due to an abundance of Celery.

Rao’s Meatballs On Wednesday Nights In Harlem.

March 11th, 2009 2 comments


It takes months to get a reservation at Rao’s in Upper Manhattan New York.  The hundred year old restaurant hardly has more than ten tables in a corner of East Harlem.  I’ve read “the dishes are magical” and since I’m in California, I bought Rao’s Cookbook.   It’s my way in.  I’d love to eat in the restaurant someday, but until then I THANK Anna and Frankie for the BEST Meatball Recipe ever.  I need no other.


I make the exact recipe and my own Breadcrumbs, but I bake the Meatballs instead of fry them.  It’s a lot easier and turns out great.  I bake them in a preheated 400° oven for about 25-30 minutes, and then add ’em to simmering Marinara Sauce as noted in No. 4 of Rao’s Recipe below.


I’ve included a link to their Cookbook and posted “Anna and Frankie’s Meatballs” Recipe HERE — They’re only served on Wednesdays at the restaurant.  They really are tasty and I can now eat them all week long in California.  I’ll also freeze the Meatballs individually and reheat a few in Sauce whenever they sound good.  It’s an easy way to be reminded of their authentic Italian flavor and be transported to happiness.


Rao’s Cookbook Link:

Easy Read Recipe Link:

Greek Spiced Baked Shrimp, I’m Already Over It.

March 8th, 2009 1 comment


This Greek Spiced Baked Shrimp Recipe is lots of places on the Internet.  To me the combination sounded intriguing and possibly gross, but several food sites sing its praise.  The recipe includes Shrimp, Feta, Dill and Cinnamon among other things.  The way some raved about it made me want to try it.  So I finally made it and wasn’t impressed.  It’s not bad, but it’s not really good either.  With all due respect, I won’t be making it “again and again” like too many exclaim.


Below are just two of the posts/links [The RECIPE] I found regarding the same Greek Spiced Baked Shrimp pictured HERE.

And here’s a link to a “Spicy” Baked Shrimp Recipe I WILL make again:

Delightful Surprise Clusters Recipe Contest Entry.

February 24th, 2009 No comments


These are the “Delightful Surprise Clusters” I created for a Recipe Contest sponsored by Quaker Oats and Foodbuzz.   They’re made with Dark Chocolate and offer many delightful surprises inside, Cashews, Almonds, Macadamia Nuts, Toasted Coconut, Dried Cherries, Orange Flavored Dried Cranberries and Banana Chips.  All is topped with swirled White Chocolate.  My office appears to be loving ’em — That’s good.  They’re Gourmet Nut Clusters!


Enter the Contest HERE:

Contest Inspiration – Quaker Oats True Delights Chewy Granola Bars:

Recipe Contest WIN too long ago: