
Archive for the ‘Cakes & Cupcakes’ Category

BookSwim: Did You Know The Library Now Delivers?

December 22nd, 2010 No comments


BookSwim, known to some as the Netflix of books, is a fabulous last-minute printable gift idea that delivers thousands of New York Times bestsellers to your giftee’s door!  You rent, read and return, cutting down on clutter and amping up time curled up on the couch.  You can purchase Gift Certificates in any denomination, but BookSwim is offering a holiday special right now — Any $50 Gift Card purchase comes with a $50 Gift Certificate to, and you even choose which greeting card to send.  It’s a great deal for the readers and eaters on your Christmas list, or for any time of the year.  I have it and still want it. 🙂

For the past month, I’ve been testing out BookSwim — It’s been all cookbooks for me and I love it!  When my first three cookbooks arrived, I was a little taken aback that the books are indeed used.  Unless purchasing through Ebay, I think most people are accustomed to receiving new books and items in the mail.  I have no complaints, as they are certainly in fine readable condition, just not pristine, but who cares — I’m borrowing them until done. 

Just like Netflix, you select your desired books (instead of movies) ahead of time and then they arrive in the mail.  My BookSwim plan allows me to keep three books at a time and return two or three to receive more.  All are shipped with a postage paid envelope for easy returns and the next delivery arrives fairly quickly.  Some books are so good that I now want to buy ’em and others I’m glad I can return for others.  It’s quite terrific actually and highly recommended by me and Nibbles of Tidbits.

Above is my current favorite I haven’t been able to give up — It has the most amazing Cupcakes, ideas and photos.  I just keep sending back two books at a time.  It’s all good.

We Interrupt Regular Scheduled Programming For A Tasty Discovery: Krusteaz Cinnamon Crumb Cake.

November 18th, 2010 No comments

With little time to spare, I was recently tasked with bringing dessert on a camping trip.  After scouting out potential mixes at the local grocery store, I chose Krusteaz Cinnamon Crumb Cake & Muffin Mix and a Ghiradelli Fudge Brownie Mix.  The Brownies were good, but the Crumb Cake was amazing — Yes, amazing.  The Cake was moist and the Crumb Topping stayed crisp.  We wrestled over who got the last piece and it wasn’t me.

I’ve since gone back to the store to purchase several boxes — A couple boxes will be tacked on to Christmas gifts (hopefully the recipients don’t read this), a few others are reserved for future preparation, and one box was prepared for co-workers.  Seven out of seven co-workers fell in love with it this morning.  And again, I missed out on the last piece.  It went fast.  I’m telling ya, it’s good stuff.

And since it’s soooo good, we’re anxious to try other Krusteaz products.  I currently have my eye on the Raspberry BarsKey Lime Bars and the Berry Cobbler mixes.  The results of those tastings will soon be reported here.  One co-worker says their Pancake mixes are first-rate too, but we’ve yet to try ’em.  FYI:  If you’re too fabulous to prepare a simple mix, recipes using the pictured product (and others) are available on Krusteaz website.

Happy Halloween: Be Safe And Filled With Goodies.

October 31st, 2010 1 comment

Happy Halloween!  These Cupcakes can easily be made using any Chocolate Cake Mix — Just add Frosting to a pastry bag with a Basket Weave Tip, then pipe it back and forth strategically over and around Edible Eyes.  That’s it.  Since I got the flu this year (from the flu shot mind you, no mas para mi), I was sadly unable to participate in our annual Halloween Cookie Decorating Party, thus post links from last year here and the year before here.

Detoured By Thoughts Of Sugar Donut Muffins Dancing In My Head.

October 15th, 2010 1 comment

I’d never been much of a Donut person, until I had a warm one when Krispy Cream passed through a few California towns.  I fell in love while driving to the office with a dozen warm Original Glazed Donuts in my car.  I couldn’t wait, had to have one (eating while driving), then two, and dare I say three?  I did, until I tossed half out the window for the birds — It became one half Donut way too many, but LOVE ’em when they’re “HOT Now.”

Inspired by warm Donuts, the Sugar Donut Muffin photos by Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice, and the ease of baking versus frying compelled me to make them immediately.

These photos aren’t doing the Sugar Donut Muffins justice, but we truly enjoyed them right out of the oven, rolled in lots and lots of Sugar.  They seemed a little cakey and dry the next day, although still a recipe worth keeping.  It’s linked above.

The “Sugar” Donut Muffins were rolled in 3 choices of Sugar, granulated Sugar, Cinnamon & Sugar and Powdered Sugar.  The Cinnamon & Sugar was the favorite. 🙂

Muffins packed TO GO!

Doctored Up White Cake Mix Becomes Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes.

August 23rd, 2010 No comments

I just posted a Cupcake Report as the Orange County Food Examiner.  It’s a fairly comprehensive report regarding Cupcakes in the OC.  The Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes pictured above were made using a White Cake Mix base.  We added Lemon Zest and Vanilla Bean to the Batter and then frosted 1/2 with a real Strawberry Buttercream Frosting and the other 1/2 with a Lemon Glaze (Lemon Juice and Powdered Sugar) — They’re fresh tasting and perfect for Summer Cupcakes.  We’ll definitely make them again.

Above photos were taken during and after the OC Fair Cupcake Competition — Check out the Examiner links for more information about that competition and Cupcakes in general.

OC Cupcake Classic Special Culinary Arts Competition Is Happening Soon.

August 8th, 2010 No comments

The OC Cupcake Classic is the last “Special Culinary Competition” you can enter this year at the Orange County Fair.  Entry Forms are due by August 11th and the Competition will be held on Saturday, August 14th, 2010 at 1PM on the Promenade Stage.  Since Cupcakes are so popular these days, the OC Cupcake Classic Competition will be stiff, but if you still want to enter before it’s not too late, email  Good luck to all — We may come and watch.  I’m content with the two 2nd Place Ribbons won in the Culinary Arts Competition, 2nd Show (pictured above).

Paula Deen’s Pineapple Upside Down Biscuit Recipe Is A Winner.

July 19th, 2010 No comments

I originally set out to find a good Pineapple Upside Down Cupcake recipe, when I came across Paula Deen’s Pineapple Upside Down Biscuits — Since the preparation couldn’t be easier and they seemed fun to make, I opted to try the Biscuits (Package of 10) before making the Cupcakes.  I used fresh chopped Pineapple and halved, pitted Cherries instead of canned and jarred fruit.

The complete recipe is linked here, but you basically just — Add a combination of crushed Pineapple, softened Butter, Brown Sugar and halved Cherries to (10) greased Muffin/Cupcake cups, and then top each with a Biscuit and Pineapple Juice and bake at 400° for about 12 minutes, or until golden brown.

Pineapple, Butter & Brown Sugar in Muffin/Cupcake cups.

Cherry added to the center.

Pineapple Juice added over the top of each Biscuit before cooking.

Let cool for 2 minutes, then invert over a plate or tray.

These Pineapple Upside Down Biscuits are best served warm and go fast.  If any leftovers, reheat ’em in the microwave for about 30 seconds.  They’re a good fix for a quick and easy Pineapple Upside treat.

Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake And More To Come.

July 3rd, 2010 No comments

We now get back to reporting about the superb Cheesecake featured on Father’s Day.  We prepared it by following the Cheesecake (One easy method, endless flavor variations) recipe and instructions found on pages 63 – 69 in Fine Cooking Magazine’s (April/May 2010) issue.  Abigail Johnson Dodge puts forth the best Cheesecake preparation instructions we’ve seen.  Our second Cheesecake is pictured above — It’s a Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake and we’re happy to report that it also turned out fantastic.  White Chocolate was substituted in place of one of the four (8 oz.) packs of Cream Cheese used in the basic recipe.  For immediate access to the recipe and instructions online, click has a “Create Your Own” section that’s educational, easy to follow and impressive.  We’re excited to test out more Cheesecake flavor variations. 

* The hearts were made by running a toothpick through the center of Raspberry Purée drops.

Happy Father’s Day To All Great Dads, Including Mine.

June 20th, 2010 No comments

Just made my first Cheesecake and I’m excited it couldn’t have turned out better.  A friend recently presented me with a photocopy of an amazing Cheesecake method that yields endless flavor variations.  I tested it out by making the pictured Cheesecake with a little Mascarpone Cheese, Orange Zest and Frangelico Liqueur — Happy Father’s Day Dad!  We’ll post more about it later.  Until then, check out these really cool Father’s Day Tie Cakes.

Classic Southern Desserts: Fresh Strawberry Buttercream Frosting.

June 2nd, 2010 No comments

I discovered the best Strawberry Buttercream Frosting in Southern Living’s Classic Southern Desserts Cookbook.  And the interesting thing about it is… I don’t even like Buttercream Frosting.  All my life I’ve dumped Cake slices upside-down on the plate to have the Frosting stick to it — That way I’d eat the Cake and the Frosting would be left behind.  After making the pictured Strawberry Cake, I’m converted, at least with respect to Southern Living’s recipe.  It yields a perfect balance of fresh pureed Strawberries, Powdered Sugar and Butter.  I brought this Cake to the office and everyone raved about the Frosting.  The Cake is a different story, since I used my own recipe that wasn’t that terrific.  Fortunately the Strawberry Buttercream Frosting made up for it.  Did I just write that? 

The amazing Strawberries came from the Strawberry Tour at Tanaka Farms.  To see other recipes we’ve made from Southern Living’s Classic Southern Desserts Cookbook click here.

Banana Split Three Layer Cake Challenge.

May 12th, 2010 No comments

Our Banana Split Cake started out as a fun idea, but unfortunately it didn’t quite cross the finish line.  Good thing we’re testing out recipes before entering ’em into the 2010 Orange County Fair Culinary Arts Competition — This one certainly wouldn’t win a ribbon.  The concept is entertaining and it tasted really good, but one can’t submit a Cake looking like this. 🙂

With ripening Bananas and Strawberries on hand and the recent receipt of Southern Living Classic Southern Desserts Cookbook, we created a Banana Split Cake.  We started with a prepared White Cake Mix evenly divided into 3 round baking pans — Then mashed a Banana, pureed a few Strawberries and got out the Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup.  As shown below, we added each respectively to the divided mix. 

We baked the Cakes, then set them aside to cool completely — We did get that part right, although it may not look that way.  We made an amazing Cream Cheese Frosting from the Southern Living Classic Southern Desserts Cookbook.  It’s called Nutty Cream Cheese Frosting (p. 37).  Before adding the Pecans that are called for in the recipe, we reserved and divided a portion of the Frosting to mix pureed Strawberry into one and Chocolate Syrup into the other, and then added Pecans to the remainder and chilled all in the fridge.

To build our Banana Split Cake, start with Chocolate Cake on the bottom, then add a layer of Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting, followed by Banana Cake, Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting, and ending with Strawberry Cake on top.  We then smothered the assembled Cake with Nutty Cream Cheese Frosting.  It held together at first, but then you see what happened.  We ultimately separated the layers and frosted each separately with the Nutty Cream Cheese Frosting.  Office co-workers usually don’t care what it looks like.

Next time we’ll add less Strawberry puree and Chocolate Syrup to the Frosting and less Frosting in between the layers.  We might also want to chill the Frosting a little longer or make more Cake, so the layers aren’t as thin.  Perhaps we’ll add sliced Strawberries and/or Bananas in between the layers to avoid sliding Cakes.  Again, it tasted pretty good, therefore it’s worth another try.

Note: So far we like what we see in Classic Southern Desserts Cookbook by Southern Living and look forward to making the recipes we’ve tabbed in it.

Chocolate Cake (With A Scoop Of Mayo) And Orange Glaze.

November 27th, 2009 No comments

Cake 002

My sister recently reported that she had the best Chocolate Cake in her life.  She obtained the surprising recipe and it’s what I made here.  It’s a Devil’s Food Cake Mix prepared with the addition of Mayonnaise (approximately a tablespoon).  It may sound scary to some, but it’s basically just more egg and oil if you think about it.  The Cake my sister ate was made with a canned Chocolate Frosting, but I made a Glaze of Powdered Sugar, Orange Zest and Orange Juice.  I haven’t tried it yet — We’re taking it luxury camping over the weekend and will report our results here soon.

Update (11/29/09):  The Cake was good, but certainly not the best ever.  It was a little overcooked too.  We’ll try another variation some time.

Kids In The Kitchen Holiday Cake.

November 2nd, 2009 No comments

Lexi CakeOur resident Junior Chef Lexi made this beautiful Cake from scratch.  It’s sure cheery for a Halloween Cake with its festive colors and application of Sweet & Sour Peach Candies.  We don’t have the recipe, since we’re featuring the Cake for its creative outer decorations.  Lexi is currently 10 years old and made this entire Cake on her own.  We post it to show that kids can create great things in the kitchen too.  Thanks Chef Lexi — It sure looks delicious!  We can’t wait to see what she makes for Christmas.  For more kid creations, be sure to check out our Kids in the Kitchen section.

More Halloween Cookie & Cupcake Decorating Ideas.

October 24th, 2009 1 comment

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As a fairly new tradition, a group of us get together to decorate Halloween Cookies.  These photos are from our 2nd annual gathering.  Above the Wicked Witch of the West is melting into several Cupcakes — They’re made with green frosting, a upside-down Fudge Striped Cookie, a Hershey’s Kiss and orange piped icing.  And the other is what the Wicked Witch of the East must have looked like after the house landed on her.

Halloween Cookies 09 020

All the professional looking goodies in this post were prepared by our host, Loretta Shaw (a Personal Trainer by day and Creative Baker by night).  She seamlessly prepared the Chocolate Dipped Oreos and Graham Crackers, the White Chocolate Tangerine Bark and the Eyeball, Finger, Hand and Gummy Worm Cupcakes, while the rest of us decorated the Cookies she baked.

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As noted in previous posts, decorating holiday Cookies, Cupcakes and Candies is a fun way to spend time with friends.  We have a blast, then get to take home the goodies to our awaiting families, who are much appreciative.  Enjoy the ideas and have your own Cookie party.

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Be sure to check back every year, because we 5 Cookies (and another BFF missing from the photo) plan to keep decorating edible Cookies for many years to come.  Loretta (middle) is located in Orange County — If interested in having professional looking (and tasting) goodies prepared for your holiday party, please leave a detailed comment here and we’ll get back to you.  Happy Halloween!

Ice Cream And Cake, Do The Ice Cream And Cake.

September 8th, 2009 No comments


Baskin Robbins Ice Cream and Cake Dance commercial — Have you seen it?  Some find it completely annoying and others find it oddly funny.  What do you think about it?  We had one of the Ice Cream Cakes for a birthday celebration.  It was okay.  I like the combination, but (unfortunately) always find the Cake portion a little dry.  Back to the commercial, Ice Cream and Cake, Do the Ice Cream and Cake — I find it oddly funny, boarderline annoying and a little creepy, my Mom says she can’t turn the channel fast enough when it comes on, and my Brother-in-Law sings it at the Fire Station with another Fireman who thinks it’s funny.

Congratulations New Coca-Cola Bottle Winner.

August 31st, 2009 1 comment

misc-062Thanks to all who entered a comment to win a case of the new aluminum Coca-Cola bottles.  And congratulations to the Cupcake Activist — We picked your name fair and square.  So you may enjoy ’em at your Labor Day Party, they’ll be shipped right out.  Nibbles of Tidbits appreciated the opportunity to host this giveaway.  Be sure to check back for future food and drink prizes worthy of winning.

What to make with the PRIZE:  All-American Apple Pie Slushie (recipe below).

6 ounces of Diet Coke®
6 ounces of Applesauce
1 cup of Ice

Combine first 3 ingredients in a blender and process until smooth — Pour into a 16-ounce glass and garnish with Cinnamon.  Enjoy!

Cupcakes For A Weekend On The Beach.

August 14th, 2009 1 comment


We’re going camping on the beach, so I made the perfect Cupcakes.  Aren’t they cute?!  They’re easy to make too.  I used a Spice Cake Mix, then topped each Cupcake with an Orange Powdered Sugar Glaze.  The sand is ground Teddy Grahams and the towel is a piece of a Fruit Roll-Up.  Just lay a Teddy Graham on the towel, prop open a cocktail umbrella to block the sun and voila.


Since there was extra batter, I made a small Cake in the toaster oven.  It turned out good, but needed to be cooked a little longer than noted.  And as you can see in the photo, it became a sun bathing cliff for the Teddy Grahams.  My Chef Nieces are going to love it.  FYI:  I did not come up with this idea.  Similar Cupcakes won an Honorable Mention at the OC Fair this year.  Unfortunately I didn’t catch a name, nor a photo of the original Cupcakes.  If its creator stumbles across this post, please make yourself known — This copycat is a memory of yours. 🙂

Culinary Arts Competition Results At The OC Fair.

July 11th, 2009 2 comments


oc-fair-0082The results are in for the first phase of the Culinary Arts Competition at the Orange County Fair.  I’m excited to learn that my Ambrosia Bundt Cake won a 2nd Place Ribbon and my Gourmet Nut Clusters won a 3rd Place Ribbon.  Not bad for a first time OC Fair submitter — Two for two.  For the second phase of the Culinary Arts Competition, I’ll be delivering Scones on July 28th, and for the Single-Day LIVE Judging Contest a Pie on July 25th.

oc-fair-0051This day I met Jaqui Dulebohn (Santa Ana), a Division Winner in the Preserved Foods Competition.  That’s impressive!  It means she won a 1st Place Ribbon, then beat out all the other 1st Place Ribbon winners in the Jam’s Division.  Congratulations to Jaqui on her Apricot Jam.  She looks forward to the competition each year.  ALL entries are displayed in the Home Arts Building.  You’ve got to get to the Fair for all the fabulous food and fun.


Competition & Contest INFO

PHOTOS from 2008’s Culinary Arts Competition

Fourth Of July Cake On Its Way To A Party.

July 4th, 2009 No comments


It’s a doctored up Red Velvet Cake from a mix — I added a box of Chocolate Pudding Mix, Vanilla Extract and Orange Juice in place of Water.  And the Glaze was made with Pineapple Juice and Powdered Sugar.  I hope it tastes good, since it’s on its way to a 4th of July Pool Party.  We’ll report back.  Happy 4th to YOU and God Bless America.

UPDATE:  By the time the Cake was cut, I was busy swimming in the pool in my dress, HA.  I’m told it was good, but unfortunately didn’t get a photo of its beautiful color.

Lavender Pound Cake With Lemon Glaze.

June 23rd, 2009 No comments


For my Birthday a dear friend made this Lavender Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze.  She knows I like trying unique food combinations and Lavender in Cake is good, especially this Cake.  The recipe is put out by C&H Sugar and linked below — It makes two loaves or one Bundt.  After a few slices, she wrapped it in wax paper and foil for me to take home.  It kept so well and was a treat for breakfast all week.  Now I have to make it and wrap it the same. 🙂

Recipe PDF: lavender-cake

Recipe Link:
(FYI: If you use this link, you must then search the Cakes to locate the Lavender Pound Cake with Lemon Glaze recipe)

Taking A Break To Enjoy This Cute Cake.

June 5th, 2009 No comments


It’s a Cake Break and this one is from French’s Pastry in Irvine.  They’ve got 4 locations throughout Orange County and many people LOVE them.

Most Dangerous Chocolate Cake In The World.

April 30th, 2009 4 comments


A friend sent me this 5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe via e-mail.  It’s touted as “The Most Dangerous Cake Recipe in the World” because it’s only 5 Minutes away and the ingredients are usually on hand — I guess one shouldn’t eat too many of these.  With that typed, here’s the Dangerous RECIPE:

1 Mug

4 Tablespoons Flour

4 Tablespoons Sugar

2 Tablespoons Cocoa

1 Egg

3 Tablespoons Milk

3 Tablespoons Canola or Vegetable Oil

1 Teaspoon of Vanilla

Combine the Flour, Sugar and Cocoa in a Mug – Add the Egg and mix thoroughly.  Pour in the Milk, Oil and Vanilla and mix well.  Place Mug in the Microwave and cook on maximum power (1000 watts) for 3 Minutes. Let Cake cool for a few minutes, then eat straight out of the Mug or empty onto a plate or into a bowl with Ice Cream.


The Cake will rise over the top of the Mug while cooking, but don’t be alarmed — It’ll be OK and it looks kinda funny.  The Cake is a little dense and dry and tastes best with Ice Cream, Powdered Sugar, Whipped Cream and/or a big glass of MILK.  Overall, it’s a fun, fast and warm Dessert that fills the air of Chocolate Cake within minutes.

FUN Related Links:

Are These Just Cupcakes Or Are They Muffins?

April 5th, 2009 No comments


What’s the exact difference between a Cupcake and a Muffin?  I pondered that question one night, then made these from a Cake Mix.  I didn’t use Cupcake Foils, over-poured the mix, and topped each with a Cinnamon and Sugar Crumble.  Are they Muffins now?  Or does the Cake Mix need more Baking Powder and/or Flour or other?  I’m not sure  —  And I’ve since learned there’s a lot of thought on it (below).  Regardless, these were good whatever they were, and their preparation is yet another way to use a Cake Mix.

What’s the difference between a Muffin and a Cupcake?  ANSWERS: