Carrabba’s Beef Brasato Recipe: Taste It Without Being There.

Brasato (Prep)

Linked here is a video of a Carrabba’s Chef making their Beef Brasato, which is featured in one of Carrabba’s Italian Grill’s commercials.  Though I’ve never been there, the dish Beef Brasato looks and sounds pretty good — It’s basically slow braised Short Ribs, Italian style.

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Carrabba’s Beef Brasato RECIPE has the makings for a great dish… Wine, Beef, Fresh Herbs, Garlic, Onion, etc.  All ingredients are pictured but not listed — If visually indecipherable (Olive Oil, Dried Sweet Marjoram, Crushed Tomatoes, Lemon Zest), the complete list is here.

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Carrabba’s Beef Brasato recipe is (somewhat) summarized here in a few photos.

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Cut, dice, chop, crush and press the Garlic, Herbs and Vegetables.

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Flour, Salt, Pepper and sear the Beef Short Ribs.

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Sauté the Mirepoix.

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Add Garlic, Red Wine, and return the seared Beef and add the remaining ingredients.

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Apologies for the poorly seared Beef, pan wasn’t hot enough (a common story on The Bad).

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Braise all covered together in the oven at 300° – 325° for 4 hours, until Beef will fall apart.

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Serve over Rice or Risotto — It was flavorful, though I added too much Crushed Tomato.

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I’d make it again or try it at the restaurant someday — The pics don’t validate it well.

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