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An Unnecessary Ingredient In This Baja Fish Taco.


There’s an unnecessary ingredient in Long John Silver’s New Baja Fish Taco.  They call them “crumblies” — Cute, but they’re basically just fried pieces of batter.  The addition doesn’t make sense on this Taco.  If the Fish is crispy, why add the crumblies?  It’s just more fat.  And if the Fish isn’t crispy, the crumblies seem to emphasize the fact, which was the case with this Taco.

Long John Silver’s INFO: http://www.longjohnsilvers.com/

  1. January 7th, 2011 at 04:52 | #1


  2. Raiders757
    August 2nd, 2009 at 10:28 | #2

    The crumblies are good though. Still, I do see your point. Personally for me, I find the sauce to be rather unnecessary. Really, the only sauce needed here is a hot sauce like Texas Pete or Franks. That’s just me though. I find the thick mayo based sauces all these fast joints use, to be rather off putting. All they seem to do is overpower the food and get in the way.

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