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Keyword: ‘fancy smancy’

Extra Extra Read All About It: Today’s A Fancy Smancy Day.

September 1st, 2011 No comments

A BIG THANKS to Hof’s Hut Restaurant & Bakery on this official day — The availability of the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger.  I can’t wait to have it as good as YOU make it!

Photo Shoot For Hof’s Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger.

August 11th, 2011 5 comments

I still can’t believe I won Hof’s Hut’s Burger Contest — It’s been previously reported here.

And I was invited to its photo shoot where I learned that Burger modeling is a serious job.

Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger — A perfect blend of A-1 Steak Sauce and Horseradish Mayonnaise give the Grilled Beef Patty a steakhouse flavor.  Served on a Brioche Bun, it’s extra fancy with Onion Strings, Bacon, Cheddar Cheese, Baby Greens and a Tomato Slice.

The Burger was created in honor of Hof’s 60th Anniversary — It was (1) of approximately (300) submissions in their Burger Contest.  They narrowed the competition down to (10) and made them all, and then (5) to ultimately choose mine, which will be available during the month of September at all Hof’s Hut Restaurant locations.  And it’s worth having too.

Me smiling proudly with the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger.

It’s a serious job building a perfect Burger for its modeling debut.

All determining what looks best — Trying to make it look as good as it tastes.

Working with food, angles and lighting — I learned a bit.

Would you want the Burger with French Fries?

Or Onion Rings?

It’s all about the Burger, not me.

Hope to see you at Hof’s Hut Restaurant & Bakery in September.

Try it!

Will The Real Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger Step Right Up?!

August 10th, 2011 No comments

It’s almost time for the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger to make an appearance at Hof’s Hut Restaurant & Bakery.  In celebration of their 60th Anniversary, Hof’s will be featuring the pictured Burger during the month of September.  It won a Burger Contest and I created it, as previously reported here.  I was elated to learn the news.  In addition, I won a BBQ and $100 Gift Card.  More will soon be reported about the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger coming your way — Stay tuned to learn about its ingredients, the Burger’s photo shoot, the BBQ to be delivered next week, Hof’s Bakery and the amazing taste of the Burger.  It really is a winner.

Thanks to all the nice people at Hof’s.

Hof’s Hut Burger Contest: The Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger Won.

August 8th, 2011 2 comments

In May we reported about the Hof’s Hut Restaurant & Bakery Burger Contest, linked here.  In addition to posting about it, I entered 5 Burgers in the contest.  The challenge was to create a Burger worthy to become Hof’s 60th Anniversary Burger to be featured during the month of September — Having forgotten about the entries, last week I received a call from a Hof’s Hut VP who informed me that I’d won the Grand Prize in the Burger Contest… It’s my Burger, the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger that’ll be featured at Hof’s in September.  I’m attending its photo shoot tomorrow.  It’s unbelievable and exciting.  Can’t wait to try it — Thanks HH!

Note:  The pictured Burger isn’t it.  More to be reported about the actual soon.

Fancy You Say Schmancy Steakhouse Burger: Take Ten.

September 20th, 2011 No comments

Fancy Smancy or Schmancy who cares, it’s not really a word anyway — This story is most likely played, but it’s still September so the floor is mine.  Available this month only is the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger at Hof’s Hut.  Have you read about it yet?  You can here.

This is our first time purchasing it at the restaurant after having it at the photo shoot.

It was cool to see my name on the menus and table tents as Winner of the Burger Contest.

It’s a splendid tasting Burger too — Hof’s Hut does a great job with it.

Try it before September 30th.

May Is National Asparagus, Egg, Hamburger, Salad And Salsa Month.

May 1st, 2012 No comments

For whatever it’s worth, May is National Asparagus, Barbecue, Egg, Hamburger, Salad, Salsa, Strawberry, Chocolate Custard, Mediterranean DietGazpacho Aficionado and Artisan Gelato Month — Linked sources say.  Why not observe by eating more (or less) of these things?! 😉

Chilled Tomato and Cucumber Gazpacho with Shrimp.

A Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger — Our contribution to National Hamburger Month.

Party Salad from an earlier post.

Deviled EggsSalsa Baked Eggs and/or Huevos Rancheros will happen this month regardless.

Bacon Wrapped Asparagus on the grill — Enjoy May with or without these foods.

Is The Steakhouse Burger Finally A Burger For The Chicks Carl’s Jr.?

November 1st, 2011 No comments

First, thanks for the opportunity to try your stuff Carl’s Jr.  I liked Carl Karcher and I’m happy to see that you’re still serving after 70 years.  It’s quite an accomplishment — Congratulations.

I also want to compliment Carl’s on its creative marketing packages, especially the latest one received for the Steakhouse Burger, since it doesn’t include a girl in a bathing suit eating a messy Burger — How refreshing.  Does it mean they now want chicks to enjoy their Burgers too?  Sex sells, I know, blah, blah, blah.  Anyway, love the addition of A-1 Steak Sauce and Crispy Onion Strings on the Steakhouse Burger, as it reminds me of the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger I created for Hof’s 60th Anniversary.  A happy coincidence.

And though I’m not a Turkey Burger fan, Carl’s Turkey Burger isn’t bad.

Another coupon redeemed with a tasting crew on hand to try Carl’s Jr.’s new food items.

And thumbs up go to the Hand Breaded Chicken Tender Wrappers, our favorite of Carl’s Jr.’s newest menu items.  Continued research and development will always be appreciated.

The 3-Piece Hand Breaded Chicken Tenders are pictured below.

Hope I didn’t bite the hand that sometimes feeds me, but will always tell it like it is.

Long Beach Post Article Announcing Winners of Burger Contest.

September 15th, 2011 No comments

I once lived in the LBC, Belmont Shore to be exact, walking distance from a Hof’s Hut Restaurant & Bakery, now a Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que, a new favorite, and I worked across the street from the view above.  Will always have a special place for Long Beach, near most of the remaining Hof’s.  Read about the Burger Contest — Long Beach Post quotes me

HH’s 60th Anniversary promotions — Grateful the FSSB Won!

Unauthorized (Nevertheless Appreciated) Stolen Table Tent Insert.

September 15th, 2011 No comments


I didn’t order the hit on table tent inserts at Hof’s Hut, but appreciate having one with my name on it.  For the record, my parent’s friends actually asked if they could take it.  I should’ve photographed it instead of scanned it — It’s hard to read, despite its wannabe size progression.  Only 15 more days to get the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger at Hof’s Hut.  Still celebrating

Thanks For The BBQ Hof’s Hut: Ready For The 60th Anniversary Burger.

August 22nd, 2011 No comments

Be sure to mark your calendar to try the Hof’s Hut Restaurant & Bakery 60th Anniversary Burger scheduled to be available this September.  It’s called the Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger and it is damn tasty, if I do say so myself — It’s so tasty in fact, I won a fancy smancy (aka schmancy) Jenn-Air BBQ Grill (below) for creating it.  Thank you Hof’s Hut and Happy Anniversary to such a fine establishment.  See you soon…

It’s Super Melt: A Burger Between Two Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.

August 12th, 2011 No comments

Would you want a Grilled Cheese Burger?  It’s a Burger sandwiched between two Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, and it’s currently available at Hof’s Hut Restaurant & Bakery for $9.99, with French Fries or Onion Rings and a whole mini Pie — A good deal for a lot of richness.

We prefer Hof’s Fancy Smancy (mostly Schmancy) Steakhouse Burger.

Pick a Pie.

Something To Say On The Eve Of A New Year: Thank You Very Much.

December 31st, 2011 No comments

It’s been a stimulating FOOD YEAR that started from day one — And here we are again, full circling on to another year with the same kick off as last.  Exciting stuff, since we’ll be VIP Media at the 2011/2012 OC Fair New Year’s Eve Block Party.  Come on out the weather is fine.

In 2011, I won and judged several food competitions and I’m THANKFUL for the ribbons, prizes, food, drinks and invitations — Faithfully gratified I aspire to experience more of all in 2012, officially commencing at midnight.  It’s time to eat, dance and gamble at the Block Party.

Toast to 2012 and pray for the best — It’s going to be a big year!

Happy New Year from Nibbles of Tidbits, I Need Text Company and Shelly Borrell.


April 24th, 2008 20 comments


Hello.  Welcome to Nibbles of Tidbits, a Food Blog.  I’m Shelly Borrell Freis and its publisher.  We report about and photograph all things FOOD related — Cooking, dining out, recipes, competitions, events, products and a whole lot more.  We review and feature many Southern California restaurants and other fabulous food finds discovered through travel and eating on Earth. 

Nibbles of Tidbits is a blog about the GOOD, the BAD & the FUNNY regarding FOOD — From Yikes to Ooo La La.  In addition to above, we emphasize food comparison, experimentation, various cooking techniques, uncommon ingredients, easy meals, helpful tools, shortcuts, cool ideas, copycat recipes, great deals and fun stuff.  Read about tasty dishes, as well as “dishes gone wrong.”  If you’ve been cooking a long time, you know that many dishes turn out great and some just become that (hopefully funny now) incident of enlightenment.

When not dining out, the goal is to prepare unique and flavorful, high-quality meals on a daily basis.  Why not?  We report the results of our testing and tastings, good or bad.  We’re a Tavern on the Webto take away yummy inspiration or learn what not to do next time.  Thanks for visiting and do check back often.

I’ve been a cooking (and eating) enthusiast for years and have been LUCKY enough to WIN a few recipe/food contests — To learn more about all that, see the following links:  The Milk Contest, Hof’s Hut Burger Contest, Hof’s Hut Burger INFO, BBQ Prize, Name on the Menu, Various, Better Homes & Gardens, Zespri Prize, Zespri Kiwi Semi-Finalist, More Kiwi Contest INFO, OC Fair Ribbons, OC Fair Ribbons, Pie Competition Honorable Mention, and yet more OC Fair Wins.  More about Nibbles of Tidbits and contests I didn’t win can be learned here.  Contest WINS and links are slightly out-of-date and shall be posted soon.

If seeking information regarding Freelance Writing Services, please visit main site I Need Text Company ( — To view non-food-related writing samples, see hereAnd if you want more food, I previously published as Orange County Food Examiner on  Aside from all that, I love interesting TIDBITS, so leave us something to NIBBLE on.

All the Best, Shelly Borrell Freis

Matt Freis (Photographer)And officially introducing… Matt Freis (pictured right), my dear husband and better photographer in our family, who will be contributing many photos here on Nibbles of Tidbits.  He loves photography, food and my cooking too, and just got an impressive new camera — It’s a winning combination no matter how you look at it.  I’m grateful for all and he’s cute too.  We’re team Freis West of Nibbles of Tidbits, a Food Blog.

