Soy Chorizo, It’s Minus The Salavary Glands.

September 14th, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

Have you seen Soy Chorizo?  Do you like Chorizo?  I love Chorizo, but made the mistake of reading its ingredients one day.  And one I can’t get out of my head is salivary glands.  After reading that I didn’t eat Chorizo for several years.  I’ve since loosened up and will eat it in a restaurant — I just try not to think about it. 🙂

At home I use Soy Chorizo.  It’s almost as good as the real stuff, but the peace of mind makes it terrific.  I’m not grossed out making it and the Chorizo flavor is there.  I bought this one from Trader Joe’s and Mother’s Market has it too.

Here I made Chorizo and Eggs.  I removed the Soy from the casings (plastic) and fried it in a skillet.  It cooks differently than regular Chorizo, since no fat (oil) comes out.  It’s almost hard to tell when it’s done because it doesn’t get much darker.  I cooked it for about 10 minutes then added the Eggs and cooked until done.  I served all in warmed Flat Bread with Sour Cream.  It’s good stuff.

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  1. June 30th, 2009 at 19:12 | #1

    Cool site! great presentation, and really great content. Thank you for providing this info – Soy Chorizo, It’s Minus The Salavary Glands. « Nibbles of Tidbits, a Food Blog was just what i was looking for and helped with my research into %KEYWORD” and related content. Sincerely, Brett

  2. taria
    February 26th, 2009 at 15:04 | #2

    I am a vegan and I have never eaten chorizo before. But this is probably my favorite soy meat out there. It’s pretty strange..the meats they use in foods. Most of the burgers and hot dogs are actually made out of animal brains, spinal cords, and digestive systems.

  1. June 30th, 2011 at 17:22 | #1

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