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Shake Your Money Maker: The ‘Kettlebar Pan Roast’ At The Kettlebar.

Kettlebar Pan Roast

It’s called the Kettlebar Pan Roast (above) and it’s offered at Kettlebar Southern Seafood & Spirits aka Kettlebar Steam Cooking in Anaheim at the Anaheim Packing District, and in Tustin at The District.  Our server at the Anaheim Packing District told us the Kettlebar Pan Roast is their money maker, and after one bite we knew why.  Literally one bite.  It’s surprisingly one of the best dishes I’ve had.  It doesn’t look extraordinary on the surface, but it’s loaded with Snow Crab, Shrimp, Lobster and Chicken.  All were cooked perfectly and served in a well-balanced Tomato Cream Sauce. It’s served mild, medium or spicy.  The medium spice was just right for us.

Kettlebar Anaheim

Many Kettlebar dishes are cooked in steam pots, but I’m not sure how it’s done.  I’ll pay more attention when we return for another Kettlebar Pan Roast.  It’s already calling me back.

Matt at Kettlebar

Matt and others in front of the basement level Kettlebar Restaurant at the Anaheim Packing District.

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