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OC Fair New Year’s Eve Block Party & Preview Event: Win NYE OC Tickets.

Mark your calendar — If local, you’ve got to check out the New Year’s Eve Block Party Preview Event.  It’s scheduled for Thursday, December 16, 2010, from 6 – 9pm at the OC Fair & Event Center, near the Pacific Amphitheatre Box Office.  It’s FREE to get in (and park).  The special preview event will feature music, karaoke and a sampling of gourmet food trucks participating in the New Year’s Eve Block Party event on December 31, 2010.  Food and beverage tastings will be offered for a small fee, varied by truck.  You just need to show up, park, walk up, then decide what to try first and bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to the special toy drive to receive $5 off a ticket to the New Year’s Eve Block Party.

Pictured here is a sampling from just one of the 50+ food trucks to be present at the New Year’s Eve Block Party.  The colorful French Toast (above) and Beef, Lamb & Chicken Skewers (below) will be served by Chomp Chomp Nation, one of the newer trucks on the road that’s operated by a proud husband and wife team.

You’ll be able to enjoy the pictured items (and so much more) at the OC Fairgrounds on New Year’s Eve and stop by the Preview Event happening Thursday, December 16th to check out other gourmet food truck options.  You’re sure to find something you’ll love!

And if you like what you see at the FREE Preview Event, why not ring in the new year at the OC Fair New Year’s Eve Block Party?!  There will be a lot going on.  Bring the family, friends, or come alone, as there will be plenty to do, EAT and see.  In addition to the 50+ gourmet food trucks, tribute bands will be playing throughout the evening (Pearl Jam, U2, Oingo Boingo, Led Zeppelin, The Smiths, The Rolling Stones, just to name a few), and there will be dancing, a demolition derby, a comedy hypnotist and a pyrotechnic laser show at midnight, and possibly a few rides — It’s almost the Orange County Fair in December.

PLEASE NOTE — The OC Fair New Year’s Eve Block Party will be different than past NYE events held at the venue, in that it’ll be hosted by the OC Fair & Event Center, not a private promoter seeking all hoochies.  It strives to be family friendly and fun, like a real block party.  Tickets are on sale now.

ATTENTION — If local, the above tickets can be yours.  We’re giving them away on December 20th.  Just leave a comment here or send a direct message to FoodBlog on Twitter NOW and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win them.  And if you reeeeeeaallllllly want them, you may leave a comment or send a direct Twitter message once daily to improve your odds of winning.  Good luck all!

12/20/10 Update:  Congratulations goes to John Lombardo of Huntington Beach — His name was drawn from about (33) who entered to win tickets to the OC Fair New Year’s Eve Block Party by leaving a comment here, sending a Direct Message through Twitter and/or Facebook.  Thanks to all who entered.  I hope to see you at the event.

  1. Gary Wayton
    December 13th, 2010 at 18:18 | #1

    If I lived closer, I’d want to go to this. I’m in New Mexico. Nice blog.

  2. Jade Wright
    December 12th, 2010 at 22:13 | #2

    Please pick me.

  3. December 11th, 2010 at 11:42 | #3

    Responding here to repetitive questions asked on Twitter — Please note that it’s not mandatory that you bring an unwrapped toy to enter the preview event, but it’s a VERY NICE to do and you’ll get $5 off admission to the New Year’s Eve Block Party.

  4. The Duke of Irvine
    December 10th, 2010 at 16:22 | #4

    Hello, it’s the Duke again.. jus checkin in cause I wants me some tix yo.. give it up for The Duke!!

  5. Jade Wright
    December 8th, 2010 at 19:21 | #5

    I want tickets to see the demolition derby and most bands.

  6. December 7th, 2010 at 18:24 | #6

    Thanks for the comments left here and those coming through Twitter. All will be collected for a drawing and the winner will be announced and contacted on December 20th. Remember, you may enter once daily via a comment left here or a direct message on Twitter.

    FoodBlog — http://twitter.com/FoodBlog/

    Shelly Borrell, Nibbles of Tidbits

  7. Sophia Beach
    December 7th, 2010 at 18:17 | #7

    I want to go. Count me in. 🙂

  8. JohnnyLambada
    December 7th, 2010 at 14:44 | #8

    tickets, yum.

  9. The Duke of Irvine
    December 7th, 2010 at 09:45 | #9

    I want to party like it’s 1999 baby! Tickets please!!!

  10. Jade Wright
    December 7th, 2010 at 00:07 | #10

    I would like to win the tickets. Please enter me. It’s good to know that it’s more family oriented than expected. I hope it’s like the Fair.

  1. December 7th, 2010 at 00:40 | #1
  2. December 18th, 2010 at 00:44 | #2
  3. December 27th, 2010 at 18:32 | #3

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