Thai One Over On The Family: This Time It’s With Food.

Although no voting takes place here, you’re cordially invited to peek at my who cares anymore dinner party, a blog post formerly known as the Challenge #3 Luxury Dinner Party in Project Food Blog.  I’m kidding (kinda), I care.  And we did have a nice party, after I drank away my sorrow, just kidding again (mostly kinda).  The links will provide more information about all that.  We’ll continue with the party — I prepared a few Thai dishes, since I’m familiar with the cuisine and dinner guests were not.

I invited my awesome family to partake in the food and since none were familiar with Thai food, this post is really titled Thai One Over On The Family, instead of who cares. 🙂 I know they do.  They’re generally Steak, Seafood and Potato people.  The Potato People — Sounds scary.  Anyway, they were game to try it all.  I didn’t tell them about the Fish Sauce, but used it sparingly just in case.  Busted — They know now.

Since this post is no longer in competition and other stuff needs to get done, it’ll mostly consist of photos, a few words and relevant links.  Hover your cursor over each photo to learn a little more.  We had a great time together, as always.  I appreciate them so much.

Grilling Chicken and Filet Mignon Satay in the backyard on a beautiful day, with the Coconut Peanut Sauce waiting on the sidelines.

They take just minutes to cook, so turn them over quickly, take ’em off the grill and dig in.  The Satay was the family favorite, as expected.

They’re finally ready to dip into the Coconut Peanut Sauce.

Just a few of the ingredients used to prepare our Thai meal, certainly not all.

The Shrimp and Coconut Milk Soup started with defrosting homemade Chicken Stock, Lemongrass, Kaffir Lime Leaves and Galangal.  I’d made this soup many times before, but it’s been a few years.  About 10 years ago, I was working as a Paralegal at a large law firm and we were having a fund raiser for the United Way.  To assist, I offered to prepare ‘any dish’ for the highest bidder.  One law partner paid $750 for a spicy Tom Kha Gai, a variation of the pictured Soup.  Thank God it turned out well and all proceeds went to the United Way.

Wish we could show you the Shrimp in the “Shrimp” and Coconut Milk Soup.  It’s too late now.

The pots were filled and the Lemongrass Tea chilled and ready for guests.  I’m not sure if the above photo can be considered artsy or if it’s just plain blurry!?  If just blurry, I apologize.  Had I still been in the competition, I would’ve taken more photos. 🙂

I also prepared a Vegetable Curry with a bountiful array of fresh Veggies (Baby Bok Choy, Sweet Pea Pods, Yams, Asparagus Tips, Carrots, Potatoes, Cauliflower, Zucchini and Broccoli).

And a Thai Peanut Noodle Salad, Saffron Rice and homemade Mango Lime Sherbet Ice Cream.  I found the BEST Peanut Dressing recipe for the Noodle Salad and coincidentally it’s by another Foodbuzz Featured Publisher.  It’s linked here and definitely a keeper.

The girls at the Thai Dinner Party (l-r) Niece Lexi, Mom, Sister Ami, Niece Bailee and Maggie, the King Charles Cavalier.  The boys were in the den watching football.

Lexi entertaining the crowd, as usual — She’s staring at YOU.

The Mango Lime Sherbet turned out too tart and I even added more sugar than the recipe called for.  Although everyone claimed to love tart flavors, it was pushing it.  My Dad took one bite and handed it back to me with a pucker on his face.

Above is a little sampling for the dog, just kidding — It’s what I had the next day, a Mini-Meal.  For the Satay and Coconut Peanut Sauce, I used a recipe similar to the one linked here.

My Nieces were in charge of the camera most of the time and secretly recorded us on video too many times.  I can’t use that, hahaha.  And I’m not even sure who this is, but it’s funny.  When it’s discovered by its Star, I may need to take it down — Until then, enjoy. 🙂 The only photo of me is the BBQ’ing hands.  I’m okay with that.  Thanks Kids in the Kitchen.

  1. October 28th, 2010 at 01:02 | #1

    Hi again, now that is what I call a Thai feast, I ran Thai restaurants in England for five years and worked closely with the chefs then opened my own Thai restaurant in South Africa! I am pretty good at Thai cooking and really enjoyed reading about your Thai day – you could come and work in my kitchen any day! Love this blog!

  2. October 7th, 2010 at 12:55 | #2

    Thai is one of my favorite cultures of food and whoever can recreate it in the kitchen is fine by me 🙂 I think your dinner party looks like fun!

  3. October 7th, 2010 at 04:39 | #3

    I love Thai foods, but please go easy on the spices.

  4. October 7th, 2010 at 04:11 | #4

    Your dinner party looks fantastic! I love all Thai food. I am not participating in PFB, but you could always stop by my blog.

  5. October 6th, 2010 at 18:57 | #5

    Delicious and brave to do Thai! I have not ventured there yet, but looks so delicious you make me want to try. You have a beautiful family and it looks like you had such a good time!

    – Butter
    (from Running On Butter)

  6. October 6th, 2010 at 18:48 | #6

    Wonderful Thai food ! Awesome pictures too 🙂

  7. October 6th, 2010 at 16:50 | #7

    I love Thai food! I wish I could vote for you… I think you had a great dinner party menu! I love how your nieces took the pictures.

  8. Jaden
    October 6th, 2010 at 16:15 | #8

    I wish I was at your dinner party. It looks great! Keep up the informative reporting.

  9. October 6th, 2010 at 14:24 | #9

    I completely LOVE Thai food! Thanks so much for sharing your menu and dinner party! 😀

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