Fullerton Train Station Chili Cheese Fries Added By Shelly Chili Freis.
Have you seen our Orange County Chili Cheese Fries Comparison Report?
Just added to it are the pictured Chili Cheese Fries at Santa Fe Cafe at Fullerton Train Station.
It’s entertaining watching the trains go by, while lounging on Santa Fe Cafe’s patio with Chili Cheese Fries, an $8 or $10 Pitcher of Beer and the sunset. It’s what I’ve enjoyed there thus far.
Be aware of occasional loitering oddballs, otherwise all should be good.
View these Chili Cheese Fries and several others on our on-going Chili Cheese Fries post.
In relation to the post title… Shelly Chili Freis should have been my legal name, if I would’ve been able to change my middle name to Chili, but apparently one can’t change his/her middle name when getting married, only a last name, or it would officially be me. It’s my unofficial name now.
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