
Archive for July 30th, 2013

Playin’ Hot Hooky Potato: Escapism Through Incentivized Meals.

July 30th, 2013 No comments

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One month left to submit final photographs in the Idaho Potato Recipe Photo Contest.  I’ve been busy making dishes that generate photos I’m not allowed to publish — Five Idaho Potato Recipes down and five to go.  The challenge is to prepare and photograph at least (1) of (10) select recipes using Idaho Potatoes and submit it here to (hopefully) win $500 for each 1st Place photo.  You may make and photograph all ten recipes and I’m on a roll, though I did make the easier ones first.  The pictured weren’t chosen as official entries in the contest, but relate to the “Quick Potato Salad For One” recipe.  Mix top photo to make bottom photo.

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We loved the Idaho Potato Vegetable Casserole Supreme and plan to make it again.