Hey Wait A Ribbit: Frog Legs Don’t Taste Like Chicken.
July 16th, 2013
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Frog Legs — We finally tried them and don’t think they taste like Chicken.
Yes, they look like a pair of Frog Legs (below). Not terribly appetizing, butt [if you know what I mean] we ate them — You could think you’re eating a Chicken Wing around some parts, but they really don’t ‘taste’ like Chicken, as told by people who have and haven’t tried them.
Frog’s Legs have more of an aquatic flavor and tough fish texture, with the look of an extended Chicken Wing — We would like them better if they had the texture of Chicken. They’re not something we need to have again. It’s officially checked off our crazy food list.
The flavor is hard to describe, perhaps Chicken is an easy way out — I get it now.
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