
Archive for February 1st, 2013

National Food Holidays In February: It’s Celebration Of Chocolate Month.

February 1st, 2013 No comments

Chocolate Fountain

Quite an impressive spread ready to dip in the Chocolate Fountain, a Christmas gift for one of my nieces — It looks like they’re making the most of it and why not?!  Next time I’m there.

Chocolate Fountain 2

They prepared Graham Crackers, Marshmallows, Strawberries, Rice Crispy Treats, Nilla Wafers, Grapes and Pound Cake for dippin’ and say the Chocolate Fountain was fun and worked well.

Chocolate Fountain 3

In recognition of National Chocolate Lover’s Month aka Celebration of Chocolate Month, their photos are perfect.  Thanks!  In addition to Chocolate, February also celebrates National Grapefruit Month, National Canned Food Month, National Potato Lover’s Month and other special food related days.  Read more about them here, here and here.  Pass me a toothpick.