
Archive for July 9th, 2012

Moodaepo’s (All You Can Eat) Korean BBQ Restaurant.

July 9th, 2012 1 comment

An all you can eat Korean surprise is at Moodaepo’s Korean BBQ Restaurant in Fullerton.

A surprise, because its exterior does it no justice — It’s a significant, stylish restaurant.

Look beyond the strip mall situation.  It’s a whole new world inside.

Each prepares his/her food on a tabletop grill.

Pick your price, available meat(s) and grill and eat away, then order more if you want to.

Though there’s a lot of room, it gets crowded as many are already in the know.

A pitcher of Beer to accompany the experience.  Hite, Hite, Hite, Hite — Gun Bae.

This evening featured an expert meat cutting demo that fascinated Food Bloggers and all.

Fast and precise — It was Impressive.

A grill (below) ready for your meat and Korean condiments to compliment all.

Other cooked dishes can be ordered — The Bulgogi below was sweet, tender and tasty.

Load your grill with all you can eat.

And don’t burn it, unless you like it that way.

In addition to Moodaepo’s large interior, the patio is quite sizeable and ready for events.

Moodaepo’s owner received an award from the city (I think) — Ask them about the specifics.

Congratulations seem deserving!  Don’t let the outside detour you — It’s utterly in vogue.

It’s a neat place with nostalgic pieces of Korean culture on display to honor its origin.

I look forward to going back — Thank you.