
Archive for May 1st, 2012

May Is National Asparagus, Egg, Hamburger, Salad And Salsa Month.

May 1st, 2012 No comments

For whatever it’s worth, May is National Asparagus, Barbecue, Egg, Hamburger, Salad, Salsa, Strawberry, Chocolate Custard, Mediterranean DietGazpacho Aficionado and Artisan Gelato Month — Linked sources say.  Why not observe by eating more (or less) of these things?! 😉

Chilled Tomato and Cucumber Gazpacho with Shrimp.

A Fancy Smancy Steakhouse Burger — Our contribution to National Hamburger Month.

Party Salad from an earlier post.

Deviled EggsSalsa Baked Eggs and/or Huevos Rancheros will happen this month regardless.

Bacon Wrapped Asparagus on the grill — Enjoy May with or without these foods.