
Archive for December 28th, 2011

Island Cinema: Beer, Wine, Champagne, A Panini & A Movie.

December 28th, 2011 1 comment

I used to sneak Champagne into movie theaters when I was younger, and to be completely honest, can’t say I wouldn’t do it again.  Popping the cork quietly was always a challenge and it was doubly uncomfortable when the empty bottle would roll (all the way) down the aisle between the seats.  Fortunately we were never identified.  TODAY, if I go to Island Cinema, I won’t have to be covert — One may freely sip Champagne with a Panini in the other hand, while watching a movie.  Learn more about Island Cinema herehere and here.  We’re wondering if the food is good and will report back when known.  We like the concept of all.