Time is a great teacher, too bad it kills ALL its pupils. Where did I read a variation of that? Inedible Dahlias are on sale again — I just spoke with the nice gentleman that sells them. He and his wife have a lovely garden of spectacular Dahlias in Costa Mesa. Stop by before sundown, call if you can, or just park and walk towards their backyard. They’re usually there.

For some reason I always wanted to make Peach Iced Tea — It just seems like a refreshing Summer drink. The pictured was made using two Peaches and three Decaf Green Tea Bags.

To make it — Peel, cut and puree the Peaches in a mini food processor, then strain the puree through Cheesecloth to produce the juice pictured in the above pitcher.

Then pour boiling Decaf Green Tea over the Peach puree, directly into the pitcher.

The Decaf Peach Tea is then chilled and served over Ice.

It turned out good, but needed more Peach flavor — Four Peaches will be better next time.
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