
Archive for December 9th, 2010

Effective Marketing: The Oil Vs. Cream Campaign Changed A Few Minds.

December 9th, 2010 No comments

Have you seen that Reddi-wip commercial, whereas Reddi-wip is offered as “Cream” for a slice of Pie and generic Cool Whip is offered as “Oil” for the same?  Oil or Cream says the waitress.  Cream of course.  Who wants Oil on a slice of Pie?!  If Cool Whip is truly made of Oil, I don’t know.  You may want to research that yourself.  For fun on Thanksgiving, Chef Lexi and I tested Reddi-wip’s marketing campaign by asking each guest if he/she wanted Oil or Cream on their Pumpkin Pie. 

And interestingly some who usually opt for Cool Whip on Pumpkin Pie, chose the Reddi-wip this year.  Hhmmmmm, effective marketing?  It’s not like Cream is tremendously better for you than Oil, but at least it’s what you think you’re getting.  Cream obviously sounds more desirable on Pie (or any dessert) than Oil.  Regardless, our final position is this… Reddi-wip and Cool Whip are fine on occasion, but real Whipping Cream is so much better than both.  Know that it’s convenient too, in that it only takes a few minutes to whip up and can be stored in the fridge a few days.