
Archive for October 20th, 2010

Giant Dusty Muffin: What Are You Waiting For Stupid, Eat It.

October 20th, 2010 1 comment

Although I haven’t watched it lately, I’ll forever be a long time fan of Saturday Night Live.  And I particularly LOVE the NPR Delicious Dish sketches — They crack me the hell up!  Since Nibbles of Tidbits is often about the FUNNY regarding FOOD, this video mixes right in.  And I’ve been a Betty White fan for years, before she became popular again.  She’s pretty funny! 😉

* Try Betty’s Giant Dusty Muffin, described in the video, or these Sugar Donut Muffins, or learn about Pete’s Schweddy Balls on NPR’s Delicious Dish.  Bon Appétit.