
Archive for February 18th, 2009

Pomegranate Mousse & White Chocolate Mousse.

February 18th, 2009 No comments


mousse-006I stumbled across the step by step photo instructions on how to prepare this Pomegranate Mousse with a White Chocolate Mousse topping.  YUM!  Since I had all the ingredients on hand, I made it.  And it was as good as it looked, but I’m mostly inspired to know that I can make any flavor Mousse with Heavy Cream and Unflavored Gelatin, or use any flavor Chocolate.  Since I cannot improve upon the step by step instructions I followed on FotoCuisine, I’ve linked them below.  BTW, I left the Egg Whites out of my preparation, mostly to avoid the extra step, and all (texture & taste) turned out fine.