
Archive for February 17th, 2009

Baked & Broiled Potatoes With Artichoke Hearts.

February 17th, 2009 No comments


misc-0031I love this easy recipe of roughly chopped Red Potatoes and Marinated Artichoke Hearts — That’s it.  I simply combine the two in a baking dish with a little Artichoke Marinade and S & P, cover all with foil and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 425°.  I then remove the cover and broil all for about 10 minutes, stirring once or twice to evenly brown.

I used to chop the Artichoke Hearts, but it’s best not to, since ‘too small’ pieces often disappear during the broiling process.  The Marinated Artichoke Hearts are usually halved in the jar.  I’ll leave them as is (minus the hard/woody parts) or cut ’em in half lengthwise if they’re extra large.  Caution:  The final result is so good that it’s hard to stop eating them, so make enough or not too many, HA. 🙂