
Archive for September 29th, 2008

Thanks For The Advice Elmer Dills (1926-2008).

September 29th, 2008 2 comments

About three years ago, I sent Elmer Dills an e-mail.  I had a few questions about writing restaurant reviews.  And the very next day I arrived home to hear a message on my answering machine from Elmer Dills.  He responded to my e-mail by calling me.  He left his actual home and KABC studio phone numbers.  I couldn’t believe it.  I was so excited. 

I called him back immediately and we talked on the telephone for 20 minutes.  One thing I remember is — He told me that a reviewer should be careful not to injure the reviewee.  Every entity has its good days and bad days, and good qualities and those that need improvement.  Honesty is important, but be conscious of livelihood.

And he also invited me to provide a restaurant review on his radio program on KRLA — But at that time I didn’t have a specific food angle, nor restaurant to rave about, plus I was kinda nervous.  I did appreciate our conversation. 

I saved his message for about two years — I’m such a dork sometimes.  I’m surprised I never crank called him (HA), or is it prank called?  I’m still not sure about that.  Either way, THANKS for your time and advice Elmer.  I hope your last meal was fantastic!

FYI:  A Memorial Service open to the public will be held at 1:00p.m. on October 3rd at All Saints Church, 132 North Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, California 91101.  RIP.

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